
Convention: The name of each executable test file follows the pattern test_*.py.

Automated tests

Automated tests mean unit tests with the unittest module and can be found under tests/automated/.

Running all tests from a terminal session can be started by python -m unittest discover -v -s tests/automated -p test_*.py.

Manual tests

In contrast to automated tests, manual tests do not test self-contained units but the interplay of them, i.e., the general behaviour of ARIANE. Each application has a subdirectory for its tests under tests/manual/.

First, run the server to be tested in a terminal session.

Example: ariane-tas-server

In a second terminal session, run a test. Each test starts a client stub which is derived from Client.

Example: python tests/manual/tas/test_separ_regio_1.py

Note: Sometimes, it is comfortable to see the intensity function of the test case before running the actual test. For this purpose, each test file contains some commented lines at the end. To visualize the intensity function, uncomment those lines but comment out the function call above them (starts with run_test_*) since it would run the actual test.